Come Try Ringette in Muskoka!

Jan. 24, 2024

The Royals are pleased to have received a Community Activation Grant from Ringette Canada and Sport Canada to allow us to expand our outreach to new families and share the love of our sport! This means we’re able to add several (free) Come Try Ringette events over the coming months (all at the Gravenhurst Centennial Centre). Come Try Ringette is a friendly, fun way to get a feel for our favourite sport, in a low-stress environment. Our coaches and volunteers will manage the basics of skating and ringette skills, and we always end our session with a mini-game to get a feel for some competition!

In Winter 2025, we're offering the following dates:

  • Wednesday January 29 (6:00pm)
  • Wednesday February 26 (6:00pm)
  • Thursday March 27 (7:00pm)

We’ll be adding more events in April and May as we get closer, but for now, please make sure to spread the word with your friends and family. This is a perfect chance during the winter months to get a friend to try a new sport and perhaps join our Royals family. To join us on the ice, participants are required to wear a hockey or bike helmet and skates. We also recommend a pair of gloves or thick mittens and a cage for your helmet, but it is not required. 

NOTE: For our first Come Try Ringette on January 29, all FUN1 and FUN2 players are welcome, but have to register on the Come Try Ringette website below so that we know you’re going to be there!

Location: Gravenhurst Centennial Centre (101 Centennial Dr, Gravenhurst, ON)
Ages: All ages are welcome, with a particular emphasis on ages 4-9
Required Equipment: Ice or bike helmet, skates
Recommended Equipment: Thick mittens or gloves, a cage for the helmet

For more information, connect with us at, or register at the link below! Contact us for more information, or register at:


These Come Try Ringette sessions are partly funded by Ringette Canada and Sport Canada - thank you for your support! 

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